Lodsworth Country Fayre took place on Sunday (September 10).Lodsworth Country Fayre took place on Sunday (September 10).
Lodsworth Country Fayre took place on Sunday (September 10).

Lodsworth Country Fayre a success despite 'tropical rainstorm'

Lodsworth Country Fayre took place last Sunday (September 10) and was a success despite ending early due to the rain.

The time-honoured traditional event took place outside St Peter’s Church and saw the churchyard fill with stalls from local businesses, bakers and artists.

Langham-based business Farretti served ciabatta, focaccia, lasagne and tiramisu to queues of people, while Graffham’s Slow Grown Farm gave out tastings of their artisan cheeses.

There were also alpacas in attendance which were naturally the stars of the day.

Despite the success of the day, the fun sadly had to end early due to the rain.

A spokesperson for the fayre said: "All was going well until around 3pm when what seemed to be a tropical rainstorm soaked everyone.

"Sadly the event had to close early for everyone to dry off. The car park was soon empty and except for the dripping bunting one would never have known anything had taken place.

“A big thank you to everyone who came and here's to next year staying dry until the end of day!"

There were also alpacas in attendance which were naturally the stars of the day.