On Saturday, July 9 at Petworth House, Petworth and District Community Association hosted the 14th Fete in the Park event.
The Fete started officially at 12pm and ended at 5pm – followed by a free concert until 8pm.
Here are pictures from the days event.
![Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures
Picture by Derek Martin](https://www.sussexexpress.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjRhZTRkNDA1LTMzNDgtNDkyYi1hNTVkLTg4ZTViMjExZDMxNzpiZjFkN2UzMC1jMmYyLTQ1ZDYtODljNi1jMTZhMGZkMDk4MjA=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures
Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures Picture by Derek Martin Photo: Derek Martin
![Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures
Picture by Derek Martin](https://www.sussexexpress.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjdhMjY2ZmIxLTRkZWItNGE5OC05ZDkwLTNmNWNmMGMzNGE4ODo3NWYzN2MxMy03Y2MzLTQyMjctOWEwZC05MDFhODRkNTIwN2E=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures
Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures Picture by Derek Martin Photo: Derek Martin
![Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures
Picture by Derek Martin](https://www.sussexexpress.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjgxMmZlNjZhLTQ4MzYtNGY2NS04Njg0LTUxMGZhMjkxYmE4ODoyYzU5NmVkYy1iZjk3LTRmYWUtYWMwYy0zY2RkYjE5NjBlMjg=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures
Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures Picture by Derek Martin Photo: Derek Martin
![Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures
Picture by Derek Martin](https://www.sussexexpress.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjM0M2I0NzNmLTNkN2ItNDEzNi1hMDBmLWNmZWE3NmVkYTViZjpiZDY4NDFjNS0xYjE3LTRiZTYtOGI3My0wNmYyODNmN2Q4MTU=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures
Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures Picture by Derek Martin Photo: Derek Martin
![Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures
Picture by Derek Martin](https://www.sussexexpress.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOmY3MjUxNTk5LWUzNTQtNGIyNS1hOTIzLTY2ZmE3MmM5Y2E2NDozMmZmZjdkOS05YjI2LTQ4MGYtYjEzMS1mZGRkZjAwZWIzM2I=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
5. Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures
Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures Picture by Derek Martin Photo: Derek Martin
![Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures
Pictiure by Derek Martin](https://www.sussexexpress.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjZhYWJkNTY5LTM5YzktNDRjZS05ZDY3LTg4ZWRjZDg2NDkzNTo0NzE1NTJmNC02ZmYzLTRiYWQtYWY4OC1hOThmNmQ5MjhkYzc=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
6. Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures
Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures Pictiure by Derek Martin Photo: Derek Martin
![Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures
Picture by Derek Martin](https://www.sussexexpress.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOmU3YmJjYmVmLTMyYWMtNDBlMy04ZDI3LTgwYmJhZTY2MDkzMTowODAyMzZlOS0zNDhkLTQ3NmYtOTEzMy02MjlkYzZmYTM5OWI=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
7. Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures
Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures Picture by Derek Martin Photo: Derek Martin
![Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures
Picture by Derek Martin](https://www.sussexexpress.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOmFkMTQyYTIwLTI0N2EtNGY1Yy04Nzg4LTBmZTRiMjBkZTgzOTo4ZTMyNjljMS00ZjVjLTRiODUtYjRkNS1jNTA1ZDdmYTk3OTk=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
8. Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures
Petworth Fete in the Park: In Pictures Picture by Derek Martin Photo: Derek Martin