Marine Park Gardens in Bognor Regis.Marine Park Gardens in Bognor Regis.
Marine Park Gardens in Bognor Regis.

Pictures: Six Arun District parks retain prestigious awards

Six parks in Arun District have retained their prestigious Green Flag Awards, Arun District Council has said.

The flags, which set the benchmark standard for the management of green spaces in the UK and abroad, will continue to fly in Mewsbrook Park and Norfolk

Gardens in Littlehampton, Old Rectory Gardens in Felpham, Marine Park Gardens in Aldwick and Hotham Park in Bognor Regis.

A spokesperson for Arun District Council praised the hard work of the council’s greenspace team, contractors from Tivoli Group Limited, as well as the dedicated local volunteers who keep the district’s parks in tip-top shape.

Councillor Sue Wallsgrove, chair of the environment committee at Arun District Council, thanked all of the organisations involved in maintaining the parks to such a high standard, including Friends of Brookfield Park, Friends of Old Rectory Gardens, Friends of Hotham Park, Friends of Mewsbrook Park, East Beach Residents’ Association, Friends of Aldwick Parks, Hotham Park Miniature Railway and Littlehampton Miniature Railway.

She said: “We’re delighted to have retained our six Green Flags in these wonderful settings across the district. So much hard work goes into keeping

these parks beautifully maintained and we are so grateful to everybody who rolls up their sleeves and gets involved.

“As a council, we have been working extremely hard to make all of our parks as beautiful as ever, with a focus on sustainability as we strive to meet our commitment to become carbon-neutral by 2030. For a while now, we have selected plants that not only look great, but that encourage wildlife and nature

to prosper, and that come back every year, reducing labour and the need for watering.

“We would encourage residents and visitors to spend time in our parks to not only appreciate their beauty, but to really reap the benefits of the vital role our

green spaces play in our health and wellbeing.”

Keep Britain Tidy’s Green Flag Award Scheme Manager Paul Todd MBE added: “I would like to congratulate everyone involved in achieving these Green Flag Awards in Arun.

“All of the winning parks provide vital green spaces for the community in the Arun district, bringing people together and providing opportunities to lead

healthy lifestyles. The staff and volunteers do so much to ensure that it maintains the high standards of the Green Flag Award and everyone involved

should feel extremely proud of their achievement.”

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A spokesperson for Arun District Council praised the hard work of the council’s greenspace team, contractors from Tivoli Group Limited, as well as the dedicated local volunteers who keep the district’s parks in tip-top shape.