Horsham's Market Square was among the best places to spend time in the town, according to an artificial intelligence botHorsham's Market Square was among the best places to spend time in the town, according to an artificial intelligence bot
Horsham's Market Square was among the best places to spend time in the town, according to an artificial intelligence bot

What are the best things to do in Horsham in 24 hours? Here's what a ChatGPT AI bot had to say

We asked an artificial intelligence bot: “What is the best way to spend 24 hours in Horsham.”

In recent months artificial intelligence technology is starting to be used across many organisations, with Sussex Police, Southern Water and a Sussex NHS trust being just a few that are harnessing its powers.

However, when we asked the software ChatGPT for ways to spend time in Horsham, it didn’t prove to be altogether reliable. In fact it seemed more artificial than intelligent.

But it did have some good suggestions. Here is what it had to say:

‘Here are some suggestions for things to do in Horsham, West Sussex in 24 hours’:

But it did have some good suggestions. Here is what it had to say: