Goodwood Revival 2022. Picture by Gary ShiptonGoodwood Revival 2022. Picture by Gary Shipton
Goodwood Revival 2022. Picture by Gary Shipton

Why we are so proud of the Goodwood Revival - an event tailored for every member of the family

We always knew the Goodwood Revival was out of this world.

But for 2022 that was quite literally the case.

One of the vignettes that greeted visitors was a half submerged flying saucer which appeared to have crash landed - and while police maintained there was nothing to see the staged protesters were less convinced.

'Tell the truth about aliens' and 'It came out of the sky' were their mocked up placards - as they recreated scenes from half a century ago when conspiracy theories about UFOs abounded.

Revival is a huge celebration of that golden age in the 20th century - where everyone dons costumes ... suave gentlemen in cravats; bright post-war polka dot dresses adorning sophisticated women about town; policemen, reminiscent of Dixon of Dock Green; and young men in leathers about to rev-up their latest motorbike.

How good it was that this year's event still went ahead, despite a nation being in mourning for their Queen.

The atmosphere epitomises so much of the best of her Britain during her reign and many of the visitors wore black arm bands as a mark of respect - combined with some poignant moments in the programme to give us all pause to remember her with gratitude.

At its heart, the Revival is about the great days of motor racing - and a wonderful eclectic mix of the best racing cars over 50 years rightly have centre stage on the track and in the paddock.

The racing is sublime - powering nostalgia and adrenalin in almost equal measure.

But this is a family event. There is so much more.

Dancing, live music, a retro fun fair complete with helter skelter, and a sea of vintage stalls selling everything from cars and fake furs to hand built shepherds' huts.

A Revival Cinema was even giving tickets to a sing-along of the film Grease.

On Saturday, as the sun shone down on the Veuve Clicquot and the pints of beer, on the smoked salmon sandwiches and the fish and chips, on the guys in their working overalls and ladies in shimmering designer Chanel, it was a stark reminder that this extraordinary diversity is an enduring testament to Britain at its best.

The Goodwood Revival remains a remarkable and evolving triumph thanks to the vision of the Duke of Richmond - and of which we all in Sussex should be rightly proud.

'Tell the truth about aliens' and 'It came out of the sky' were their mocked up placards - as they recreated scenes from half a century ago when conspiracy theories about UFOs abounded.

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