Willingdon Remembrance 2023: Village pays tribute to fallen troopsWillingdon Remembrance 2023: Village pays tribute to fallen troops
Willingdon Remembrance 2023: Village pays tribute to fallen troops

Willingdon Remembrance 2023: Village pays tribute to fallen troops

Residents of Willingdon came together yesterday to pay tribute to British and Commonwealth troops who lost their lives fighting all over the globe.

On Saturday, November 11 2023 at 11am there was a Remembrance Service at Jubilee Gardens outside the Parish Council Offices.

Deacon Sue Wilkinson for led the service with the Standard Bearer Peter Davy, Ian White Piper and Derry Green performed the Last Post and Reveille.

Sunday, November 12’s Remembrance Parade was led by Parade Marshall James Punchard, and the Service at St Mary’s Parish Church was led by Reverend Adam Ransom.

The Ruthless Service was on the Downs at 3.00 pm in the afternoon and had a good turnout of resident and was led by Chairman John Pritchett.

The short service was read by Reverend Danny Pegg from St Mary’s Church Willingdon with Eastbourne and Willingdon MP Caroline Ansell and the Mayor of Eastbourne Cllr Candy Vaughan attending.

Sunday, November 12’s Remembrance Parade was led by Parade Marshall James Punchard, and the Service at St Mary’s Parish Church was led by Reverend Adam Ransom.

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