Changes to Hastings parking restrictions set to be considered

Proposals to introduce new parking restrictions in Hastings are to go before county council planners next week. 

On Wednesday (November 13), East Sussex County Council’s planning committee is to consider changes recommended as part of the Hastings Parking Review 2018/19. 

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While some objections have been raised to the proposals, council officers are recommending the new parking restrictions be introduced as initially advertised.

In a report to be considered by the committee, a council officer said: “The approach in trying to resolve objections to the order has been to appraise the concerns raised by residents and other road users, whilst not compromising road safety or other factors. 

“It is felt for highway and road safety reasons that the objections should not be upheld and the proposals in these areas should proceed as per the draft Traffic Regulation Order as advertised.

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 “It is therefore recommended for the reasons set out in this report, that the committee does not uphold the objections and to recommend … the order be made as advertised.”

While the majority of the proposed changes received no objections, some saw concerns raised by residents.

These include proposals to introduce single-yellow lines at the junction of Ashburnham Road and Godwin Road 

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Objections were also raised to proposals to extend an area of double yellow-lines in Laton Road and introduce new double-yellow lines at the junction of Upper Maze Hill, Pevensey Road and Brittany Road.

Meanwhile, representatives of the British Heart Foundation raised objections to the introduction of a daytime loading ban at the junction of Robertson Street and the A259.

In its objection, the charity says its furniture store would be “adversely affected” by the loading ban, as it would stop staff from moving their heavy stock into and out of their store. 

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Council officers disagree with this view, however, arguing that the store would still be able to load/unload on the white hatching in Robertson Street at its junction with Claremont.

In their report, officers said: “Officers from ESCC’s parking enforcement contractor (NSL) have witnessed on numerous occasions vehicles struggling to enter Robertson Street from the A259 when vehicles are parked to load or unload goods. 

“Visibility for pedestrians is also hindered when large vehicles park up beside and sometimes across the traffic lights. 

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“By introducing a loading ban on this section of the double yellow lines it will improve the flow of traffic, protect this busy junction, and improve safety for pedestrians.”

If approved by the planning committee, a number of other changes would be introduced as part of the new Traffic Regulation Order. 

For a full list of the proposed changes go to: