General election hustings at Chichester Cathedral. Heather Barrie (Green Party), Jay Morton (Labour), Gillian Keegan (Conservative) and Kate  O'Kelly (Liberal Democrat).  Chichester Cathedral Cloisters.   Picture: Liz PearceGeneral election hustings at Chichester Cathedral. Heather Barrie (Green Party), Jay Morton (Labour), Gillian Keegan (Conservative) and Kate  O'Kelly (Liberal Democrat).  Chichester Cathedral Cloisters.   Picture: Liz Pearce
General election hustings at Chichester Cathedral. Heather Barrie (Green Party), Jay Morton (Labour), Gillian Keegan (Conservative) and Kate O'Kelly (Liberal Democrat). Chichester Cathedral Cloisters. Picture: Liz Pearce | jpi media resell

Chichester Cathedral election hustings in pictures

Last night a packed audience at Chichester Cathedral saw four general election candidates quizzed on a range of issues affecting the area.

With nearly 300 people in attendance Heather Barrie for the Greens, the Conservatives’ Gillian Keegan, Lib Dem Kate O’Kelly and Jay Morton for Labour all answered questions on crime, Brexit, care for people with dementia, protection of Chichester Harbour, support for young entrepreneurs and the climate emergency.