The Green Party will not field a candidate in Hastings and Rye

The Hastings and Rye Green PartyThe Hastings and Rye Green Party
The Hastings and Rye Green Party
The Green Party said it will not field a candidate in Hastings and Rye or endorse any other party in a general election.

The party said it made the decision to not stand ‘in the current political circumstances’.

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They said the party will ‘not be entering into any kind of deal, pact or alliance with any other party, and does not endorse any other party’.

Andrea Needham, Hastings Green Party spokesperson, said: “In the Green Party - unlike in other political parties - decisions are made by the membership. In this instance, members voted not to stand a general election candidate.

“We have made no deals or alliances with any other party, and will not be endorsing any other party or candidate.

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“The party will instead be focussing on its campaign for the 2020 Hastings Borough Council elections.

“We urge all voters who want to see real action taken to tackle the climate emergency to vote Green in the 2020 local elections.”

The Green Party’s announcement comes after Tom Bewick, the Brexit Party’s prospective candidate for Hastings and Rye, was moved to contest the Dagenham and Rainham seat.

The Brexit Party will not field a candidate in Hastings and Rye, stating Amber Rudd’s resignation as their reason.