Youth Member of Parliament elected for West Sussex

The new UK Members of Youth Parliament (MYP) for West Sussex have been elected.

Nearly 18,500 votes were cast by young people across the county throughout March, with around 60 candidates up for election.

West Sussex is covered by four UK Youth Parliament areas. In each area the two candidates with the most votes have been elected as MYPs and Deputy MYPs.

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The National Youth Parliament elections in West Sussex are managed by the County Council, and MYPs are supported in their work by the County Council’s Youth Support and Development Service.

The results are as follows:

Chichester and West Arun

Rosie Leeming (MYP)

Kieran Anderson (Deputy MYP)

Crawley and East Grinstead

Shagass Pam (MYP)

Callum Oldfield (Deputy MYP)

East Arun, Adur and Worthing

Shehram Shafique (MYP)

Chloe Lightning (Deputy MYP)

Horsham and Mid-Sussex

Thomas Eady (MYP)

Kelly Balmer (Deputy MYP)

The elections were supported by schools, college and youth organisations across the county, with more than 20 (organisations) winning Democracy Awards.

The Democracy Award recognizes a school or organisation’s participation in the elections – to win an award they must put forward the minimum number of candidates and achieve voting participation of at least 50 per cent of the school (Bronze), 70 per cent (Silver) or 90 per cent (Gold).

This year, 11 organisations received Gold awards – two more than last year. Six organisations achieved Silver status, while four were given Bronze awards.

More information about the Youth Parliament elections can be found on the Your Space West Sussex website at