Primary schools achieve Artsmark

FOUR schools in the Rye and Battle area have been recognised for the arts activities they provide.

Netherfield, Crowhurst, Brede and Icklesham Primary schools are amongst the 256 in the south east and 1580 across England which have been successful in achieving an Artsmark award.

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A broad range of arts activities encouraging pupils to reach their potential through arts and creativity have helped the schools to secure the awards.

Artsmark is the national programme that enables schools, further education colleges and youth justice settings to celebrate, strengthen and evaluate the arts activities they provide. The award supports and encourages formal education institutions to deliver rich and high quality provision.

By achieving Artsmark, a school or education setting shows its commitment to providing a high quality arts and cultural offer for children and young people.

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This is the first application round since the programme was re-launched to include further education colleges and youth justice settings, with the award now also having a greater focus on the quality of arts provision as well as the quantity.

This renewed emphasis on quality arts provision has been developed to support Arts Council England in achieving its 10 year goal of ensuring that every child and young person has the opportunity to experience the richness of the arts.

Sally Abbott, regional director at Arts Council England, South East, said: “We know that children and young people who have the opportunity to experience the arts in some way, are more likely to fulfil their potential throughout their lives.

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“That’s why we are so delighted to be making 256 Artsmark awards to educational settings across the south east in recognition of their outstanding commitment to the arts. What an achievement - congratulations to them all!”