Sainsbury's donation boosts council's restoration project

Horsham District Council's parks and countryside officer John Marder receiving the cheque from Sainsbury's SUS-180328-170706001Horsham District Council's parks and countryside officer John Marder receiving the cheque from Sainsbury's SUS-180328-170706001
Horsham District Council's parks and countryside officer John Marder receiving the cheque from Sainsbury's SUS-180328-170706001
Sainsbury's local community development team have sponsored the recent bulb planting as part of Horsham District Council's restoration project on the Garden of Remembrance and Mill Bay areas of Horsham.

The Sainsbury’s team kindly donated £200 to the project to plant a large area of daffodils on the bank of Mill Bay back in November 2017.

The cheque was presented to John Marder from the council’s parks and countryside team by Mike Lewis (Sainsbury’s commercial manager) Liz Whitlock (counter assistant) and Jon Plumb (fresh food manager).

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The project started in 2017 planning to restore and upgrade the area to ensure a quality that meets the expectations for a heritage site so close to the centre of Horsham.

This project is being managed by the parks and countryside team, working in close collaboration with the Horsham Society and Denne Neighbourhood Council.

If you would like to find out more about what is being proposed please go to the Council’s website