School students get taste of university life

A day on the university campus in Bognor Regis may have changed the life of A-level student Chloe Noon.

Chloe, 17, was among 100 pupils from Bognor Regis Community College who toured the site.

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It was the first time she had realised what went on at the University of Chichester behind its flint walls which line the A259 Upper Bognor Road.

She said: "Coming here has definitely helped me. I'm really interested in social work but I had not even thought of coming here.

"I had been thinking of going to Bournemouth to study but this is so much closer and it would be easier to come here.

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"Before now, I didn't know much about this university at all."

Chloe will be the first member of her family to go to university if she succeeds in her three A-levels.

"Everyone will be really proud of me if I do get to university but it's also quite a scary prospect as well.

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"There will be a lot of new people to meet who I don't know and a lot of new things going on," she stated.

Also having their eyes opened to life as a would-be graduate at the University of Chichester were Sophie Potter, 16, and Adam Turner, 16. Both are studying for four A-levels.

Sophie, who is heading for a career in early years education, said: "It's been good experience coming here and to see the facilities."

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Likely maths undergraduate Adam said: "This has really shown us about life at a university. I didn't realise this was one of the smallest universities."

The taster day was organised by the university's schools' liaison officer Bekki Kingshott. She laid on sessions in graphic design, English, psychology and performing arts.

"A lot of the college's students don't go on to university and they want to change that," she explained. "This event is about trying to enlighten the students and show them what higher education is all about.

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"For the first person in a family to go to university, it can be a real step into the unknown and we want to help to overcome those anxieties."

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