Sussex Police Commissioner launches first Police & Crime Plan

Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner, Katy Bourne, this week launched her first ever Police & Crime Plan.

The plan sets out the Commissioner’s key strategic objectives for Sussex and the four key priority areas for Sussex which are: crime and community safety, victim focus, public confidence and value for money

Within these priority areas are a number of targets which Sussex Police and criminal justice partners across the county will be expected to achieve.

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Katy Bourne, Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner said: “This plan has been developed in consultation with Community Safety Partnerships, the voluntary sector, police, probation, local authorities and, of course, the public.

“Over the course of last summer and autumn, as I campaigned for election, I met members of the public from all over Sussex who told me what mattered them. I have listened and I have put those priorities into our plan; Safer in Sussex.”

Katy Bourne spoke to the paper about the challenges she faces in her new role

The full Police & Crime Plan can be found online at