
Richard Holmes, Beauchamps

The Service i St Mary’s Church this Sunday morning is the sung Eucharist, starting at 11.15am

Next Friday, March 21, between noon and 1.30pm, the second of this years Lent Lunches will be in the new Rectory, next to Brede Church, by kind invitation of Vicki and martin. Everyone is welcome at this social event, for a soup, bread and cheese meal. Donations will be invited in aid of our charities supported by Brede and Udimore Overseas Group: Sightsavers, Deaf in Tanzania, the Amani Orphanage and the Papua New Gambia Partnership.

My apologies to anyone who has tries to send me an email with news for this week’s edition. For the first time in well over a year I’ve been temporarily (I Hope) lost contact with broadband.

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