Unwanted goods are being amassed to help children in Kenya have a better life

A CONTAINER full of hope is being collected by members of a Bognor Regis church.

The congregation at Bognor Vineyard Church want to amass enough items to leave the 40ft long storage unit without a single spare space when it is sent to Kenya.

Its destination will be the RainEdge International Project led by Pastor Sammy Nawali in Nakuru.

The container’s cargo will be used to change lives.

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Pastor Sammy has been to see the initial haul at its storage place at Reynolds in Bognor town centre.

“It’s amazing to see what people have given,” he said. “It’s a lot of things. I just wish I had a boat to take it to Kenya straight away.”

When the container is sent its goods will be put to good use by him.

Some will be given to people to use to improve their lives. Some will enable training to be provided to give them skills. Other items will be sold and the money used by RainEdge to provide capital.

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“This container could be a lifeline to us. It’s the first time anyone has helped us like this.

“The people at the project I have spoken to about it are really excited to see it come. Everyone is saying ‘wow’.

“If it happens, it will be a good opportunity for us to break even,” he said.

The orphanage supports 105 boys and girls and more than 240 pupils attend its school, may of whom are street children.

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A party from Bognor Vineyard visited the orphanage this spring, and that led to the idea of the container.

Church joint founder Bob Barham said: “We are after items which are surplus to our communities and which people would be happy to give to their friends.

“They do not have to be new. Just good quality secondhand items we have grown out of or upgraded.”

The church has been helped by Reynolds who are storing the donations free of charge.

Donations can be taken to the church’s base at 5A Waterloo Square from 3.30pm-7.30pm on Thursdays.

Other arrangements can be made on the www.changingcommunities.co.uk website.

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