Victory for YES campaign in neighbourhood plan vote

Campaigners celebrate the Littlehapton Neighbourhood Plan referendum YES resultCampaigners celebrate the Littlehapton Neighbourhood Plan referendum YES result
Campaigners celebrate the Littlehapton Neighbourhood Plan referendum YES result
ALMOST 3,000 Littlehampton residents voted YES to adopting the town’s neighbourhood plan on Wednesday, representing 86 per cent of voters.

Only 16 per cent of those eligible to vote turned out.

Littlehampton mayor Jill Long put the low turnout down to confusion and bad weather on polling day.

Mrs Long, who also chaired the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, said: “It is fabulous that the town has worked together to produce such a comprehensive document.”

For the full story, see the Littlehampton Gazette, out Thursday, October 23.

View the plan at