Ron Hill, a photographer known to many across the Express patch and took thousands of photographs which were used in the paper down the years, died suddenly last weekend, writes Steve Bone.
Aged 82, he had a heart attack at home. It happened just as he was planning to get out and take pictures at the Weald on the Field event on Luxford Field, which he was determined to do despite not feeling well.
He will be greatly missed by his family but also by the many who knew him and relied on him turning up with his camera at their events.
His good friend Mike Skinner said: “He was a grumpy old thing much of the time, but in the nicest way. He would do anything for anyone in the town.”
Robert Hunter, chairman of Buxted Park Cricket Club, expressed his sympathy to Ron’s family and said: “I saw him just last Friday at our ground and he was talking about taking photographs of upcoming matches and other events at our club. He was very good to us with the coverage we have received over many years. He will be sadly missed.”
I am sure Robert speaks for many, and I must say that in the relatively short time I’ve been looking after the Sussex Express sports pages, Ron’s pictures have been gold-dust.
During the long lockdowns he made sure we didn’t struggle, sending a weekly ‘looking back’ gallery.
I asked him at the end of last summer if that would be the last of his pictures ’til spring. Silly question. “Hibernating is not for me,” he replied. “I photograph just about anything if there’s a good chance of a great shot... a few samples attached.”
Ron sent us too many pictures to use them all but from that very reply, this is a selection. A selection that show what a fine photographer he was.
Rest in peace, Ron.