Sculptor Philip Jackson to speak in aid of The Friends of Chichester Hospitals

Philip Jackson with two castingsPhilip Jackson with two castings
Philip Jackson with two castings
Acclaimed West Sussex-based sculptor Philip Jackson will be giving a talk in aid of The Friends of Chichester Hospitals, a charity which has been in business for around 74 years.

Sophie Hull, who is organising the talk, said: “The Friends exists to buy equipment which is not funded by the NHS for Chichester area hospitals. It is currently busy funding some amazing new, hi-tech equipment to make colon cancer treatment much more efficient and less invasive. It will cost the charity about £90,000.”

The Friends are embarking on a fund-raising campaign to do what they can to provide funds for this project and others.

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“The first event is a talk by the late Queen’s sculptor, Philip Jackson. Philip is a genial, highly entertaining and interesting speaker.

“Philip is an award-winning sculptor, noted for his modern style and emphasis on form. Acting as royal sculptor to Queen Elizabeth II, his sculptures appear in numerous UK locations including Chichester and Midhurst, as well as Argentina and Switzerland. He will talk about the monuments that he has produced that mark some of the significant events that have shaped all our lives. This includes sculptures to honour and celebrate the lives of the great, the good, a king, two queens, an empress, various princes and sheikhs, the talented, the brave, the famous and a genius. His list also includes two saints, two founders of nations, three leaders who were assassinated and one who established his country’s language and rivalled Shakespeare with his literary brilliance, and finally one who established Christianity as a major world religion. At the talk he will talk about these sculptures, adding the odd anecdote and enliven the evening. The talk is at Fittleworth Village Hall at 6pm on Thursday, June 1. You can buy tickets at (£20 includes a drink) at

“Funds raised from the event will go towards a new laparoscopic operating equipment for colorectal surgery at St Richard’s Hospital to significantly reduce patient waiting times and support surgery teams when operating on patients receiving this surgery. We hope this talk is a sell-out.”

Sophie added: “The Friends are entirely volunteer led and operated, supporting St Richard’s Hospital and local mental health services. All money raised goes directly to making a real difference for patients, visitors and staff. The Friends support Chichester’s hospitals by raising funds to buy equipment which enhances the medical facilities at St Richard’s Hospital and in mental health services.”

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They also help by providing the daily ward trolley service and running the Friends’ Hospital Shop at St Richard’s Hospital which enables patients, visitors and staff to buy everyday items on site at reasonable prices. A team of over 100 dedicated volunteers ensures that the trolley service operates every day except Christmas and some bank holidays, and the Shop is open Monday-Friday. There are no salaried staff. Income from this service has averaged between £45,000 and £60,000 in recent years.