Summer season for John Mann

Marking an incredible 35 years of summer concerts at the Winter Gardens John Mann kicks off his new summer season on Thursday May 12.

As always, John will play much-loved songs from the 1950s/60s on his Eminent Grand Theatre Organ and the theatre’s own Steinway Grand piano. Enjoy an afternoon of classic toe-tapping musical entertainment.

The John Mann Music Show also features wholesome comedy skits and a special segment recalling memories of Variety Theatre with comedian Max Miller, dancers Wilson Keppel & Betty, and pianist Charlie Kunz. Othere dates of The John Mann Music Show at the Winter Gardens, Floral Hall, are Thursday June 9, July 21, August 4 and September 22, all at 2.30pm. Tickets priced £7, to book call the box office on 01323 412000 or online at

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