• If you have a photograph you would like to share with us, email it as a JPEG to [email protected]

Sea spray crashes off the rock at Hope Gap, with the Seven Sisters in the background. Taken by Kieron Boyle, with a Samsung Galaxy S7. SUS-210127-135556001

Double rainbow ending in the sea off Eastbourne seafront, by Ian Killick. SUS-210127-141212001

"Best hotel in Eastbourne," says Kelvin Luscome, who snapped this cow relaxing in the grass on Beachy Head with a Sony Xperia smartphone. SUS-210127-112100001

Freya the Hungarian wirehaired Vizsla enjoys the beach at Eastbourne. "She was born on Christmas Day 2019," says owner Tina Woodley-Roberts, who lives in East Dean. SUS-210127-141713001

Eileen Kilgour captured the mist at Friston Pond with a Canon 100D. SUS-210127-142502001

Double rainbow ending in the sea off Eastbourne seafront, by Ian Killick. SUS-210127-141212001

"Best hotel in Eastbourne," says Kelvin Luscome, who snapped this cow relaxing in the grass on Beachy Head with a Sony Xperia smartphone. SUS-210127-112100001

Freya the Hungarian wirehaired Vizsla enjoys the beach at Eastbourne. "She was born on Christmas Day 2019," says owner Tina Woodley-Roberts, who lives in East Dean. SUS-210127-141713001

Eileen Kilgour captured the mist at Friston Pond with a Canon 100D. SUS-210127-142502001