Lucy is currently being looked after by Eastbourne Cats Protection and is looking for a new home. SUS-220401-161059001Lucy is currently being looked after by Eastbourne Cats Protection and is looking for a new home. SUS-220401-161059001
Lucy is currently being looked after by Eastbourne Cats Protection and is looking for a new home. SUS-220401-161059001

Give one of these 10 Sussex rescue cats a new home for the New Year

Are you thinking of getting a new pet for the New Year?

Then please consider one of these 10 rescue cats, currently with Eastbourne Cats Protection, at their cattery in Marshfoot Lane, Hailsham.

If you like the look of one of these felines and would like to give them a new home, please email [email protected] with your initial query.

For more information about Eastbourne Cats Protection, and on how to adopt, click here.

For more information about Eastbourne Cats Protection, and on how to adopt, click here.

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