Sleaford Mods - The ‘world’s greatest rock n roll band’ at the De la Warr

Sleaford ModsSleaford Mods
Sleaford Mods
Iggy Pop, a man who knows a thing or two about fearsome, confrontational and original music, has described The Sleaford Mods as ’ ’undoubtedly, absolutely, definitely the world’s greatest rock’n’roll band’.”

Saturday’s (April 20) incendiary show at the De la Warr Pavilion did little to disprove the word of the gravel-voiced Godfather of Punk, 6Music DJ and occasional insurance salesman.

The duo from Nottingham produce politicised upfront angry electronic hip-hop punk with hard pounding beats, and, often even harder, uncompromising lyrics, dished out in a strong East Midlands accent.

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They are a 12-year overnight success and Bexhill paid witness to their burgeoning sound which is growing as fast as lead singer Jason William’s biceps.

The now clean-living and fairly buff Williams’ has evolved in a powerful and charismatic showman.

The on-stage chat is still as rare as hen’s gold teeth, and much of the set is still snarled and spat out amid a barrage of fury and profanity.

But there times when the spoken-word style gave way to more soulful sounds, some straight singing. and, almost, an old-school croon, albeit the angriest croon in music.

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Musically the Mods’ sound has also grown immensely. It’s still produced by just one man, Andrew Fearn but the compelling synths of Kebab Spider and the nagging groove of Into the Payzone are a long way from their original stripped -down sound.

Their words are still immediate, arresting and engaging. Their targets are all on-point, and who doesn’t want their music to include references to French Fancies, Ian Beale and Ray Reardon?

What an ace booking for the DLWP, and without being too patronising. quite a brave one too. But equally congratulations to the S.M’s for not just settling for another gig in Brighton

The People’s Palace can’t have seen too many nights during which the Anglo-Saxon invective flowed (or more accurately was shouted), quite so freely.

Far from Going Down like BHS, the Mods are going up like the De la Warr, with ever- increasing audiences and credibility.

By Steve Holloway