Here are nine schools all thought to be among the top schools in the country by inspectors.
There are currently nine schools in Brighton and Hove with outstanding inspection ratings
Downs View Special School in Warren Road, Brighton, was last inspected in 2020.
The last Ofsted report said: "This is an extremely friendly and welcoming school where pupils feel happy and safe." Photo: Google Streetview
West Hove Infant School in Portland Road, Hove, was last inspected in 2013 when inspectors said: "Pupils make outstanding progress throughout the school and at the end of Year 2 reach above-average levels of attainment in reading, writing and mathematics." Photo: Google Streetview
Hill Park School, in Foredown Road, Portslade, is a community special school and was rated outstanding after a full inspection in 2014 and a short inspection in 2019. Inspectors said it was an 'outstanding school where pupils are happy, feel safe and make rapid progress. They feel valued and cared for'. Photo: Google Streetview
Downs infant School in Ditchling Road, Brighton, was rated outstanding after its last inspection in 2013. Inspectors said: " Leaders and managers, including governors, have ensured that the school has sustained improvements over a considerable period. Achievement is high and teaching is outstanding." Photo: Google Streetview