After ascending the throne, her first visit to Crawley as Queen came on June 9 1958, when she officially opened the revamped and extended Gatwick Airport. She then headed into Crawley where she planted a tree as she opened the newly completed Queens Square.
It was 11 years before the Queen returned to Crawley. On December 17 1969, she officially opened Holy Trinity School – although lessons had been running there since 1967 – and visited the town hall.
Her last visit was on November 3 2006 when Queens Square was packed with cheering well-wishers as she met local dignitaries, including Mayor Sally Blake before heading off to Thomas Bennett Community College.
Accompanied by Prince Philip, the Monarch also visited County Mall.
Here are a few of the pictures photographer Jon Rigby captured on the day - can you spot any familiar faces in the crowd?

. The Queen visits Crawley in 2006
The Queen receives flowers from a young well wisher Photo: Jon Rigby

. The Queen visits Crawley in 2006
The Queen and Prince Phillip Photo: Jon Rigby

. The Queen visits Crawley in 2006
The Queen and Mayor Sally Blake Photo: Jon Rigby

. The Queen visits Crawley in 2006
Queens Square was packed Photo: Jon Rigby

. The Queen visits Crawley in 2006
The Queen arrives in Crawley in 2006 Photo: Jon Rigby

. The Queen visits Crawley in 2006
Crows flocked to Queens Square Photo: Jon Rigby

. The Queen visits Crawley in 2006
The Queen meets Crawley residents in County Mall Photo: Jon Rigby

. The Queen visits Crawley in 2006
The Queen arrives Photo: Jon Rigby

. The Queen visits Crawley in 2006
The patriotic crowd wave their flags Photo: Jon Rigby

. The Queen visits Crawley in 2006
The crowds flocked to Queens Square in 2006 Photo: Jon Rigby

. The Queen visits Crawley in 2006
Youngsters in the crowd Photo: Jon Rigby

. The Queen visits Crawley in 2006
The Queen and Prince Phillip arrive in Crawley Photo: Jon Rigby

. The Queen visits Crawley in 2006
Youngsters at Thomas Bennett School Photo: Jon Rigby

. The Queen visits Crawley in 2006
The Queen with Mayor Sally Blake behind Photo: Jon Rigby

. The Queen visit Crawley in 2006
The Queen in Crawley Photo: Jon Rigby

. The Queen visit Crawley in 2006
Youngsters wave flags Photo: Jon Rigby

1. The Queen visits Crawley in 2006
The Queen and Prince Phillip Photo: Jon Rigby

2. The Queen visits Crawley in 2006
The Queen and Mayor Sally Blake Photo: Jon Rigby

3. The Queen visits Crawley in 2006
Queens Square was packed Photo: Jon Rigby

4. The Queen visits Crawley in 2006
The Queen arrives in Crawley in 2006 Photo: Jon Rigby