This historic pub serves great beer and has a charming atmosphere, with low-beamed ceilings and an open fireplace.This historic pub serves great beer and has a charming atmosphere, with low-beamed ceilings and an open fireplace.
This historic pub serves great beer and has a charming atmosphere, with low-beamed ceilings and an open fireplace.

11 of the best pubs in Hastings, handpicked by an AI chatbot

There are plenty of wonderful pubs in Hastings for residents to grab a drink in.

But what are the best? We asked ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence chatbot, to imagine it was a reviewer of pubs and select the 11 best pubs in the town and say in 50 words or less why.

ChatGPT wasn't a complete expert on Hastings’ pub scene, though. It didn't seem to know the Old Custom House is now an Italian coffee shop. And ome of the descriptions are dubious like 'great range of ales' for tied Shepherd Neame houses and The Dolphin has no association with ghostly apparitions at all. The Stag has a garden but you would be hard pushed to call it 'beautiful'.

But here is what the AI thought, and it said: “These are just a few of the top pubs in Hastings, each with their own unique character and charm. Whether you're a local or a visitor, there's sure to be a pub on this list that will become your new favourite spot for a drink or a bite to eat.”

But here is what the AI thought, and it said: “These are just a few of the top pubs in Hastings, each with their own unique character and charm. Whether you're a local or a visitor, there's sure to be a pub on this list that will become your new favourite spot for a drink or a bite to eat.”

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