EA damage

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Your letters
As a regular walker on west beach, I have been amazed at the work(damage!) being done by the Environment Agency, for what?

The recent storms have reshaped and graded the beach beautifully and there appears to be no need for these absurd and expensive works currently being undertaken.

Mother nature shows yet again she commands supreme.

Let’s stop this ridiculous expenditure and divert these funds to help the folk in Somerset and Thames Valley areas, where the Environment Agency needs to apply its budget more effectively.

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While writing, why are the works (£14.5m!) going on at the east harbour wall?

To prevent flooding, we are told. Well, having just had the worst storms and tidal surges for half a century and no major flooding in Littlehampton, yet again we must ask ‘why’?

The Environment Agency, county and district councils, and its officials, need to have a rapid re-think on all these ‘folly’ schemes.

Spend money where it is needed, not where it looks good!

Stop wasting taxpayers’ money on vanity schemes.

Simon Field

Thatched Cottage


Editor’s note: The Gazette contacted the Environment Agency to respond to this letter, but the agency had not responded as the Gazette went to press.

Want to share your views? Send your letters by email: [email protected] or post to Cannon House, Chatsworth Road, Worthing, BN11 1NA.