Midhurst WI celebration cakeMidhurst WI celebration cake
Midhurst WI celebration cake

Midhurst WI celebrates centenary despite being unable to continue

Midhurst WI held its centerary celebration but is still looking for someone to re-start it.

The 100th anniversary afternoon tea was held at the Spread Eagle Hotel in April.

Jill O’Grady, secretary of the group, said: “The birthday cake had a cross-stitch design stitched by a member to depict Midhurst WI in the community. Only 11 members, including two past members, attended.

“Due to so few members now and with no-one volunteering to take over as president, secretary and treasurer, the WI is now preparing to close.”

If anyone locally would like to re-start it, the West Sussex Federation, based in Chichester, would be pleased to talk to them. You can contact them on [email protected]

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