Window smashed at toilets in the parkWindow smashed at toilets in the park
Window smashed at toilets in the park

Vandalism in Alexandra Park in Hastings

Vandals have caused damage to a public toilet in Alexandra Park, smashing a window and smearing liquid soap across the floor.

The incident, this week, at the toilet near the old bowling green, comes just weeks after vandals caused extensive damage to another public toilet in the park, near to the pumphouse. Throwing ink across a wall and over a wash basin.

Another recent incident saw youths starting a small fire on the newly re-surfaced multi-games area, causing damage to the surface.

Residents in the area are angry that CCTV installed in the park by Hastings Borough Council, does not appear to be effective. One resident commented: “Fat lot of good the CCTV is turning out to be. There seems to be more vandalism not less. These despicable hooligans are wrecking our parks and gardens.”

Another resident described the acts as ‘mindless and disgusting’.

CCTV was installed after the local authority received a £208,000 grant in March last year to help tackle violence against women and girls in Alexandra Park

Residents in the area are angry that CCTV installed in the park by Hastings Borough Council, does not appear to be effective. One resident commented: “Fat lot of good the CCTV is turning out to be. There seems to be more vandalism not less. These despicable hooligans are wrecking our parks and gardens.”