Ginsengs Japanese Bistro in EastbourneGinsengs Japanese Bistro in Eastbourne
Ginsengs Japanese Bistro in Eastbourne

Former Eastbourne restaurant says it is hoping to reopen in the town next year

A former Eastbourne restaurant is looking to reopen in the town in a larger site.

Ginsengs Japanese Bistro in Crown Street closed on March 15, 2023, as the cost of rent was increased, according to business owner Adam Gribble.

He said: “We had no intentions of closing after investing so much and working so hard to build our reputation.”

Ginsengs first opened on March 1, 2020, with Mr Gribble wanting to bring another Japanese restaurant to the town as his partner Mee Yun Jang is a sushi chef.

The business owner added: “Nobody could have predicted covid or the lockdowns to proceed for years after.

"We decided to operate as a delivery business to establish our name and offer a service throughout the pandemic as folks wanted premium food. We did not forecast the issues in stock supply, packaging shortages and import issues – all of which we overcame.

“Constant price increases in every sector and a building material shortage [meant] we were eventually able to operate as a restaurant from January 2022.”

Mr Gribble said he is proud that the restaurant managed to find its feet and secure a five-star hygiene rating while building its reputation in the town.

The restaurant had a 4.7/5 rating on Facebook from 207 reviews, and a 4.3/5 rating on Google from 94 reviews.

Mr Gribble, who has lived in Eastbourne for more than 10 years, said: “Personally I still haven't found the right way to express gratitude and thanks to everybody who enjoyed our meals, and as such the social media has been silent.

"The community has been amazing and has certainly felt our ebbs and flows as delivery times during lockdown on occasions required a good deal of patience, alternative meal selections [were needed] when stock was not available and booking ahead [was required] when the restaurant was full.

"Certainly there will be many fond memories to be reminisced. [With] that being said, we are seeking a new venue with a larger capacity, though it is our intention to rebuild in 2024 following some much-needed family rest and recuperation.

"Thank you Eastbournians and friends, what has been a decade feels like a day.”


Ginsengs first opened on March 1, 2020, with Mr Gribble wanting to bring another Japanese restaurant to the town as his partner Mee Yun Jang is a sushi chef.