Bexhill Carnival 2023. Photo by Roberts Photographic.Bexhill Carnival 2023. Photo by Roberts Photographic.
Bexhill Carnival 2023. Photo by Roberts Photographic.

Bexhill Carnival in 43 pictures

Bexhill was in the mood for celebration at the weekend when the town held its carnival event.

The theme for this year’s carnival was Music Through the Ages. The procession, on Saturday, followed a route from Turkey Road, through Sidley High Street, past Bexhill Hospital into the Old Town. It then proceeds down into Buckhurst Road before proceeding into the town centre before finally making its way along West Parade along to the Polegrove.

There were carnival arena events at the Polegrove from 1pm on Saturday.

To get people in the mood the carnival committee held Party in the Park at the Polegrove on Friday, a free event with live music.

Pictures by Roberts Photographic.

To get people in the mood the carnival committee held Party in the Park at the Polegrove on Friday, a free event with live music.

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