The signs your dog loves you come from their whole body. Dogs watch us, they look deep into our eyes and study our facial expressions. Our own dogs will look into our eyes with a soft gaze of pure adoration. If you’re looking at displays of affection from your dog, you are looking for a super-soft, gentle blinking gaze and relaxed body.The signs your dog loves you come from their whole body. Dogs watch us, they look deep into our eyes and study our facial expressions. Our own dogs will look into our eyes with a soft gaze of pure adoration. If you’re looking at displays of affection from your dog, you are looking for a super-soft, gentle blinking gaze and relaxed body.
The signs your dog loves you come from their whole body. Dogs watch us, they look deep into our eyes and study our facial expressions. Our own dogs will look into our eyes with a soft gaze of pure adoration. If you’re looking at displays of affection from your dog, you are looking for a super-soft, gentle blinking gaze and relaxed body.

Dog Friendly Sussex: Expert reveals top tips on how to show your pooch love on Valentine's Day

A canine behaviourist has shared her top ways both you and your dog can show each other some love on Valentine’s Day.

People often think our dogs can't communicate with us, but they actually speak to us through their body language and behaviours.

If we can learn to recognise these behaviours, we can improve our relationship and build a stronger bond that lets them live the healthy, happy lives they deserve.

Bella & Duke’s Natural Canine Behaviourist, Caroline Spencer, has shared her top tips for understanding your dog’s behaviour and how you can show them some love this Valentine’s Day, which you can read below.

She said: “Living together and forming a relationship with your dog takes time.

Highs and lows through puppyhood, adolescence to adulthood are natural as they learn how to fit in, and we learn what they mean by what they do.

There is no rush to make the grade, any grade. Just do right by them the best you can, and enjoy one another's company naturally.”

Bella & Duke is the UK's leading raw pet food and pet wellness subscription company serving over three million meals per month.

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Bella & Duke’s Natural Canine Behaviourist, Caroline Spencer, has shared her top tips for understanding your dog’s behaviour and how you can show them some love this Valentine’s Day, which you can read below.