In pictures and video: Hundreds gather in Hastings to make stand against racism

Several hundred people came together in Hastings town centre today (Saturday August 10) to make a peaceful stand against the riots that have caused chaos and fear across the country.

It happens just days after more than 300 people took to the streets on Wednesday night to counter anticipated far right action after Hastings appeared on a list of targets.

People carried placards saying ‘stand up to racism’ and ‘Hastings welcomes refugees’. A number of speakers included Hastings Council leader Julia Hilton.

Simon Hester, of Stand Up To Racism, said: “A week ago we had an atmosphere that went back to what I read in the history books about the Southern states of America with lynch mobs.

“On Wednesday, it created real fear in Hastings, people going home early, or not coming out at all. But I have to say that on Wednesday night the fear changed sides because thousands of people came out on the streets across the country and said ‘we’re not having racist thugs on our streets’ and we had that in Hastings. We were part of changing the mood in this country.”

Former Hastings Council deputy leader Maya Evans said: “People across the country are really fed up with austerity and the way people are having to live now, dependent on food banks.”

Julia Hilton said: “Our town was named on a far right target list. A threat to intimidate and cause terror and created division. Fortunately that threat did not come to pass, instead, on Wednesday, hundreds turned out to show solidarity.

"As a community we are going to have to keep turning out to ensure that this vocal minority, who have been stirred up and encouraged by the language of some of our politicians, do not represent this country or this town. Our politicians have used migrants as scapegoats for austerity and have allowed the language of blame to spread. We should also tackle social media outlets who are allowing hatred to spread.

“I am proud that Hastings is a place of sanctuary and embraces people of all races and all faiths who have enriched our town with their energy and their skills. I also want to thank our police and emergency services who are working to protect our community.”

Yunis Smith, Green councillor for Baird Ward said: “We see pure, unbreakable community spirit here today, showing that we won’t be divided and that there is strength in solidarity. It is so important to build upon and strengthen these community bonds.

"What we have seen were not protests. These were not people coming out with an agenda and trying to fight diplomatically for a difference, these were riots and terrorism. Targeting and planning attacks on a library and police station is not patriotism – it is terrorism. Politicians like Nigel Farage need to be held accountable. He broke six out of seven of the ministerial codes of practice.”

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