Gurning Competition in Hastings Old Town. Photo by Roberts Photographic.Gurning Competition in Hastings Old Town. Photo by Roberts Photographic.
Gurning Competition in Hastings Old Town. Photo by Roberts Photographic.

In Pictures: Hastings Old Town Carnival gurning competition

People took on the challenge to pull a silly face when the annual gurning competition took place as part of the Old Town Carnival Week celebrations.

The event was held at Butlers Gap, in George Street, last Friday (August 4). The event was inspired by Hastings legend Ron ‘Popeye’ Everett.

Much loved Ron was a familiar face in the carnival procession and around the Old Town after gaining a reputation for his uncanny impersonation of cartoon character Popeye The Sailorman. His is remembered by a sailor hat sculpture at Butlers Gap, created by local artist Leigh Dyer. Among those pulling funny faces were Mayor Margi O’Callaghan, former mayor Cllr James Bacon, Carnival Chairman Keith Leech and Bonfire Society chairman Heather Leech.

Pictures by Roberts Photographic

Pictures by Roberts Photographic

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