Crawley experienced up to 70mph winds last week, which resulted in many trees and buildings being damaged in the Town.
Tulley’s Farm wasn’t spared from the storm and it’s trees suffered extensive damage, which resulted in some having to be felled.
Press officer Ed Hopkins said: “The road through Tulleys had a lot of damage to the trees on Friday and the Tulleys team were out on the roads most of the day.
“It was worse around midday and trees were dropping as quickly as they were being cleared.”
Here are some of the pictures from the damage:

. Storm Eunice Crawley: Tulleys Farm’s trees suffer damage due to the storm
The damage caused by Storm Eunice to Tulley's Farm

5. Storm Eunice Crawley: Tulleys Farm’s trees suffer damage due to the storm
It took all day to clear the roads of debris

6. Storm Eunice Crawley: Tulleys Farm’s trees suffer damage due to the storm
More blocked roads

7. Storm Eunice Crawley: Tulleys Farm’s trees suffer damage due to the storm
Heavy machinery was used to clear the estate of tree debris