Katie's work experience success

Work experience placements from St Mary's College in Wrestwood Road have proved highly successful within the local business community.

Students aged between 16-18 have been able to sample all sorts of careers having been placed by Emma Meeres, the Work Experience Coordinator at St Mary's.

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She arranged for one particular student, Katie H., to carry out a placement within a design and graphic company in St Leonards.

Katie has a particular interest in design and has "fantastic" ICT skills leading to her to be accepted for a one-off placement by local business Thomas Design & Graphics.

The success of this placement has meant that Katie has learned a wide variety of skills in this field and will be able to apply these skills in her future career.

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Each week, Katie has been supported by the staff at Thomas Design & Graphics and has been given the responsibility of editing graphics on the computer, cutting these graphics from the vinyl film and applying them to a number of signage and display boards.

Her final project with Thomas Design & Graphics focused on the complicated and skilled process of applying graphics to a vehicle. It therefore seemed only fitting for Katie to do this with one of St. Mary's Trust vehicles.

The placement has been a great success and Katie should be recognised for her hard work and determination throughout the placement.

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Company owner Dave Thomas said 'It's been beneficial to both us as a company and for Katie's progression into a future career. We've enjoyed working alongside St. Mary's in order to help her achieve that'.

Emma Meeres would like to thank Dave Thomas and Carole Receveur for supporting Katie and hopes that other businesses will come forward in offering Work Experience placements to other students from St. Mary's in the future.

Anybody interested in doing this can contact Emma on 01424 730740, or email [email protected]

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