Nestled in the South Downs, this elegant eatery offers guests a range of seasonal dishes made from local produce.
Photos: Open TableNestled in the South Downs, this elegant eatery offers guests a range of seasonal dishes made from local produce.
Photos: Open Table
Nestled in the South Downs, this elegant eatery offers guests a range of seasonal dishes made from local produce. Photos: Open Table

Top eateries in West Sussex this May according to restaurant booking app Open Table

Restaurant booking app OpenTable has released a round-up of trending eateries in West Sussex.

The monthly round-up collates and shares information about some of the most popular eateries in the county, with everything from Indian eateries, to steakhouses, to pubs making the list.

The winning food joints are spread out across West Sussex, so read on to find a trending spot near you.

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