Potholes have been a talking point not just in Crawley, but the whole of West Sussex, in recent years and the roads appear to be getting worse. Many drivers have suffered damage to their cars and action needs to be taken. A new report from The Asphalt Industry Alliance (AIA) said councils were expected to fix two million potholes in the current financial year – that is 43% higher than the previous year and confirms repairs are at an eight-year high.
With our new campaign ‘Gone to Pot’ we want to highlight the issue and we decided to drive round Crawley and take pictures of some potholes. In just half an hour we found this selection just on the main roads.
And on our journey we bumped into Broadfield result Ron Robinson. He shook his head as he passed a pothole on the junction of Lismore Crescent and Broadfield Drive.
Ron said he had been in tough with Crawley and West Sussex County Council, but he said no one wants to take responsibility. “The roads are absolutely shocking,” he told us. “I have been on the phone trying to get through to West Sussex [County Council], who I believe are responsible for the repairs and I am getting no response whatsoever.
"Crawley council are not interested in chasing it up for me. It’s particularly bad around the Barton where the garage is, the potholes are so deep. But it's everywhere in Broadfield and the surrounding areas.”
SEE ALSO 11 Photos: Pothole watch in Chichester, one street in particular featured | Pothole watch Bognor Regis: ugly potholes remain a hazard for drivers | These are some of the worst potholes in the Hastings area according to a local action group | Angry residents condemn 'diabolical' potholed Horsham roads
What makes it worse for Ron is the new rise in his Council Tax. He said: “We have just had a big increase and nothing is being done. I’d like to know what they are spending that extra money on.
"I spoke to one of my neighbours and their car’s suspension went [after hitting a pothole]. I have relatives all over Crawley and they are all saying the same thing and how shocking it is.
"One area that’s particularly bad is the Horsham Road on the way up to the level crossing. Absolutely awful.”
Ron said when he spoke to Crawley council, they passed him on to West Sussex County Council or told him to speak to one of his councillors. Ron said: “I tried to speak to one of the councillors in Broadfield, he’s passing me on to someone else. No one wants to take responsibility.”
And it’s not just the actual pothole that causes issues, avoiding them can as well. He said: “My worry is the other day I tried to avoid a pothole and a car was coming the other way and I had to brake quick. In avoiding a hole, I nearly had an accident.”
You can report a pothole by visiting https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/roads-and-travel/report-a-pothole-online/
What do you think of the pothole situation in Crawley? Do you know of a large pothole in the Crawley area? Please send us your views/pictures/videos on Facebook or by email on [email protected]

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Ifield Drive | Picture: Mark Dunford Photo: Mark Dunford

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Ifield Avenue | Picture: Mark Dunford Photo: Mark Dunford

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Horsham Road | Picture: Mark Dunford Photo: Mark Dunford

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Broadfield resident Ron Robinson says the state of Crawley roads is absolutely shocking. Picture: Mark Dunford Photo: Mark Dunford