CONGRATULATIONS: To the organisers of the Reed Court Coffee Morning last Friday. They raised a wonderful £550.40 for Macmillan Nurses. One of the organisers told me that they were also especially pleased by the number of visitors who came into their smallish, usually quiet, social room and stayed to sit and eat, drink and chat as well as buy cake, produce and lottery tickets - and enjoy a challenge to guess the weight of a pumpkin. Something close to 100 people or more had been there by 12.30pm. About twelve or so of them were residents, the rest were visitors. They want to say a huge thank you to all the people who came and/or contributed. The joy of a noisy crowd of neighbours and old friends was what really pleased them, as well as the generous gift to Macmillan. Well done Reed Court.
RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION: Last week, Cllr John Lamb reported that People from Highways are inspecting the sites requested for grit bins around Malling. They say they will be reporting back in a week. The bins will cost £275 each. However, he added, ‘I have learned that we must pay for a licence for each bin in addition to the cost of the bin itself and public liability insurance. I am waiting for exact costings, then there will need to be agreement by the MTR committee before we continue. There is no cash in the kitty at the moment that is not committed to the foodbank so we will probably have to make further applications for funding.’