Call in for cuppa

Your lettersYour letters
Your letters
We all know of someone who is suffering or has suffered from cancer and of the wonderful work the Macmillan Nurses do in our area.

We are told that every day in Sussex alone, 23 people find out the devastating news that they have cancer.

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We are supporting the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning, with collecting buckets on our charity stall at tomorrow’s market in Littlehampton, and on Saturday, from 10.30am-3pm, we will be hosting a coffee morning with fantastic cakes at St James’ Church hall, in East Ham Road, Littlehampton, and where our choir will have many stalls for our autumn fayre.

We have already raised £400 from our Full of Eastern Promise prom concert last Saturday and other fund-raisers.

Chris Allen, treasurer

The Edwin James Festival Choir, Littlehampton

• Want to share your views? Send your letters by email: [email protected] or post to Cannon House, Chatsworth Road, Worthing, BN11 1NA.

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